Homeopathy Tips Newsletter

Let the Remedy Come to You Part 2


I recently had a follow-up to the Boron Metallicum case I told you about back in the newsletter dated 10/28/08. This was the case about a school teacher who's case repertized so well for the remedy Selenium but did not feel right when I investigated the remedy more. Primarily it's location on the periodic table to the far right and Scholten's analysis about those remedies led me to let it go in favor of finding a more appropriate remedy.

      We never know the effect any remedy may have on an individual until they have taken it and time has allowed a change to occur or not. In this case Boron Metallicum 6c was prescribed one time per day.  I just had a follow-up with him this past week and wanted to share with you what happened.

        The first part of the follow-up occurred two days prior to our appointment when I met his mother in the clinic and I asked her how he was doing. Her response was enthusiastic and she...

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A Special Solstice


I am releasing this newsletter a day early so all of you may enjoy a unique event that will take place on the solstice this year (December 21,2010). This will be the first time in 372 years that there will be a total eclipse of the moon happening on the winter solstice. This is very special since an eclipse marks significant change. A total eclipse makes it even more intense. Having it happen on the darkest and shortest day of the year makes it even more special yet.

The total lunar eclipse will begin at 1:33 am and last until 5:01 am EST, but the total eclipse portion lasts only 72 minutes, between 2:41 and 3:53 am. During this time the full moon could appear a bright red or blood orange hue.

The total eclipse will be visible throughout all of the Americas. It will be partially visible during the moonrise over Eastern Asia,and Australia and during the moon set in South America, Europe and Western Africa.

So bundle up, go outside and view one of our more rare  natural wonders....

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Mental Rubrics


Mental symptoms are very important in understanding what is happening for each client. How they see their world and how they are able to respond to it is key to properly assessing what is asking to be healed.

Converting a symptom into the language of the repertory requires that we know what each of the rubrics mean. It is a very narrow difference in definitions that can distinguish one rubric from another. This could effect your remedy choices and the remedy you may end up selecting.

A common question I get is how do you find the words of the person in the repertory. Often you will not be able to directly translate into the mind section. But if you understand what the person is really saying there is often a rubric that will best describe it.

I will go over a few key and common rubrics and what they mean. This list is by no means complete. But it may help you to study a bit about mental rubrics and get more familiar with how to define them and use them.

  • Abashed- to strike with...
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A student of ours has questions regarding parasitic infections. I wanted to take this opportunity to respond. A parasite is an organism that lives, within, upon or at the expense of another organism (host) without contributing to its survival.

Parasites usually enter the body through the mouth or the skin. Parasites that enter through the mouth remain  in the  intestine and can burrow through the intestinal wall and invade other organs.

Parasites that enter through the skin usually enter through the bite of an infected insect or may bore through the skin. Some parasites enter through the soles of the feet or skin when the ground or water has parasites present.

Most parasite infections are diagnosed by blood, stool or urine analysis. Repeated samples may be necessary to detect the parasite. Food, drink and water are the most common ways we become infected. Poor sanitation and unhygienic practices contribute to most parasite infections.

The most common parasitic infections...

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Potency - Methods of Production


I recently had a very good question from a student regarding different results of the same remedy and potency manufactured by different homeopathic laboratories. Her observation was that she had different responses to the same remedies that were manufactured by different pharmacies. Some pharmacies remedies were stronger and had more of an effect. She wondered why this was so.

Over the years many different methods for potentization have been experimented with in efforts to save on the materials used to make the remedies. Using the methods that Hahnemann described would require the use of thousands of vials in the making of higher potencies, not to mention the time involved by having to utilize human labor in the hand sucussion process. This would make the higher potencies (30C and higher) very expensive.

In Hahnemann's method of potentization the original mother tincture or triturate is dissolved as one part to 99 parts of alcohol and water. This is shaken (succussed) vigorously by...

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