Homeopathy Tips Newsletter

Why Become a Homeopath?

Why become a Homeopath? Because you love people. If you do not have an innate love for people then maybe being a Homeopath is not the right job for you. When you spend all day listening to people's woes and sufferings, it can be exhausting if you do not have an innate love and compassion for others. Not everyone is suited for this type of work. This is fine. But for the serious person wanting to become a Homeopath, you better love people.
Become a Homeopath because you love to learn. There will never be a day without learning as a Homeopath. Every person is different and every case is different. There is a unique remedy for each person. This is not something like allopathic medicine where you figure out a diagnosis and then prescribe a set protocol of medicine. It is an art and science to translate a person's story into a unique repertory of symptoms and then select a remedy for that person. It is far more elegant than an allopathic approach and provides never-ending...
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Materia Medica or Homeopathic Software?

Of all the major advances to modern homeopathy, the single greatest has been bringing the Repertory and Materia Medica into a computer format. Now with very usable tools we can analyze and search mountains of homeopathic information and have results in a fraction of a second. This makes the homeopath's job so much easier, but there are risks to having so much information so quickly.

We can all thank David Kent Warkentin of Kent Homeopathic Software for bringing us homeopathic computer programs. He was the very first programmer and the pioneer of homeopathic computer programs. His programs, MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks, are still the industry standard for homeopathy. Since David's passing Kent Software is now under the new name of Synergy Homeopathic Software. I have been using these programs since the early 1990's and the advances since then are truly astronomical. I still have my very old, thick, Apple laptop computer with the program still working. Someday this will be a real...

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The Problem with Homeopathy

I receive many requests from all over the world to initiate scientific research that proves homeopathy is a valid medical science. Many want to have it accepted in the same terms as Western allopathic medicine. I endorse this idea but find that there are some fundamental differences in trying to prove homeopathy's veracity. In many ways, it is like trying to compare apples and oranges. They are both fruit but much different in flavor, texture, color, and just about every other way as well.

Hahnemann gave us a guide through the Organon. There are many practitioners now who say we need to overhaul the Organon and reexamine the principles and prove them so Homeopathy can stand as a valid medicinal science when compared to Allopathic medicine. They say we need more double-blind studies.  This way mainstream medicine will adopt homeopathy and we can be a legitimate medical science. I hope and pray that this can all come to pass, but there is a problem with homeopathy.


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Suppression vs Expression in Homeopathy

Many times in treating an individual they will also be doing different therapies from many different modalities.  We also have new clients that have been treated allopathically for decades before coming to the homeopath. Their cases can be quite confusing at times. Most of these clients' symptoms have been suppressed. It can take time to unravel the case. Let's explore suppression and what it really is.

      Webster's dictionary defines "suppress" as; to put down by authority or force; subdue; to keep from being known; to hold back. This is the exact opposite of "express" which means "to make known".

    As homeopaths, we need to know what the vital force is revealing in order to know dis-ease. Symptoms are the foundation for prescribing. Unlike the allopathic western method of diagnosis that gives suffering a name, the homeopathic approach encourages the expression of the dis-ease so it can be known and treated.


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Educating Your Homeopathic Client

One of the biggest parts of being a homeopath is educating your client. Most people do not know about the process of homeopathic healing and expect healing to happen similar to what they have experienced when they have seen an allopathic doctor. I would say that 50% of what I do as a homeopath is educating my client.

     One of the first questions I ask of my client on the first visit is, "what do you know about homeopathy?" I will get a variety of answers from "herbs" to 'something that is natural". Most people do not understand even the rudimentary aspects of homeopathy.

     What I share with them usually goes something like this;

       "Homeopathy is energetic medicine. It is not a new-age medicine but has about a 240-year-old history. It was developed by a German doctor named Samuel Hahnemann who was very brilliant and dissatisfied with the medicine of the day. He was a real scientist whose powers...

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Who is the Homeopath?

Sometimes it is easy to get lost in our "role" as healthcare providers and miss the bigger task at hand. There is a model I teach all of my students that I want to share with all of you that helps define who we are as homeopaths.

     Every science is based on a primary assumption. The primary assumption in homeopathy is there is a vital force that is non-material; spiritual. If we recognize this as the foundation for our healing art then a spiritual model becomes necessary for a greater understanding of our part as the homeopath. 

     Another assumption is that there is a creative energy animating and bringing all things into existence. This creator we have historically given the name G-d. So if G-d is creating all things then I (homeopath) and my client (suffering client) are an extension of G-d's creation. In essence, there is really no separation other than our ego identification of self (Hi, I'm Robert. I'm a homeopath. You must be...

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Why I Love Homeopathy

Twice monthly I write a bit about something that is hopefully useful for you about homeopathy. In this blog, I have been pondering on what to write about and I decided to share a little about myself and why I love homeopathy. Hopefully, you will benefit from this as well.

For me, homeopathy is all about people and other living things; really about the vital force.           I LOVE PEOPLE!!      That's the bottom line. Homeopathy helps animals and plants to heal as well, anything with a vital force. But for me, it's all about people. If you want to be a homeopath, you had better really like people or it might be better to find a different profession.

I have clients say to me after telling their whole life story with tears and sobbing "How can you do this all day long, listening to people's miserable lives? Isn't this a depressing job you do?"

My reply is this; "All people suffer. It's simply a fact of life. No...

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Homeopathic Education

I get many questions about the study of Homeopathy and what is the best approach. I think it could be an individual preference but after training homeopaths over the last 21 years I have found that there are a few things about homeopathic education that really work. I would like to share them with you.

I have found that if a person wants to be a professional homeopath, seeing clients on a daily basis, they must really love people and being around them. This may sound a bit absurd at first. After all, isn't the job of the homeopath to be around people and help them? Yes, but you might be surprised at how many students I have talked with that have spent 3 years at some other homeopathic school and have never taken a case or spent time with clients. When they were finally introduced to a new client case they were surprised at their own reaction. I have heard everything from fear in front of the client because they did not have confidence in being a homeopath because they have never...

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Holiday Gift Ideas for Homeopaths

A common tradition for those people celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa is gift giving. It is always nice to give and receive a gift during the holiday (Holy Days) season. For any of you who are interested in homeopathy, there a quite a few ideas for gifts that you can share with others or request yourself if that is appropriate. I’ll share a few of my favorite books and other gift ideas for the homeopathic enthusiast in your circle.

For anyone new to homeopathy, there are many good books that introduce homeopathy and ways a person can start to help themselves or their family.

Here are a few book gift ideas:

  • The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, by Miranda Castro
  • Homeopathic Family Home Care, by Dr. Ravi Roy
  • The Homeopathy First Aid Handbook, by Kenneth S. Pittaway
  • Homeopathy – A Complete Reference Guide to Acute Ailments,  by Laura Harr
  • Homeopathic Guide for Travelers, by Dr Ravi Roy
  • Homeopathic Medicine for Women, by Dr Trevor Smith
  • Homeopathic Medicines of...
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Being Grateful for NASH

It is Thanksgiving week here in America. The holiday celebrates bountiful harvests and preparation for winter. It is a time to be thankful and show gratitude for the bounty we have received. And one of the things I am grateful for is NASH, the North American Society of Homeopaths.

This organization has been serving homeopathy and the professional homeopath since 1990. NASH provides professional unity and strength for the homeopath. NASH is a voice among all other health care modalities being a powerful presence in society at all levels; social, health, political, and legal.

NASH provides credentialing for professional homeopaths. Candidates who are accepted receive the RSHom (NA) credential (Registered Society of Homeopaths) (North America). This credential (although not a legal credential for practice) is the most recognized credential in homeopathy around the world. The title is not easily achieved and sets the highest standards for the professional homeopath.

In addition to...

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