Homeopathy Tips Newsletter

The Importance of Good Materia Medica


The Materia Medica is any information compiled about a Substance that will lead to a better understanding of the properties of the Substance.  Materia Medica are the materials of our medicine. In Homeopathy it is usually a compilation of symptoms collected from provings or common knowledge about the Substance. Good Materia Medica can really open up understanding about the remedies we are using. It helps complete the picture of the remedy that will be most useful to help inspire a person to heal.

Sometimes information about a Substance comes from the most unlikely sources outside of Homeopathy. I have a very basic book about the elements written by a very passionate Professor who explains the most unlikely information about each element. His descriptions are brief and concise but carry a lot of information about the elements. This is Materia Medica. The same can come from the plant or animal kingdom. The energy of the Substance is released through the potentization process and...

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Quick Accurate Prescribing


There is no substitute for thoroughness in homeopathy. But it does not need to take days to prescribe the correct remedy. In fact,  I have found that the longer one mulls over the possibilities of understanding the case and remedies, the farther they get from the real energy of the case. When the case is understood well it forms the foundation for everything that follows. This is a process that does not need to take a long time.

The first step in quick prescribing is to get out of ones own way. Let go and allow. Ask for help from higher powers and be ready to see everything. When opening up this awareness and aligning oneself with a focused intent, many things will happen and be seen that otherwise would be unnoticed. Doing this simple exercise will do more to become the prejudiced observer that is necessary to "see the case".

The next step is to align our head with our heart. This allows us to balance what we think with what we feel. It is not enough to form ideas about a case...

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How to Become a Homeopath


The purpose of this report is to share with you the things you need to know when the idea has hit you that you want to become a homeopath but don't know the first thing about how to get there. Homeopathy is a science. The practice of homeopathy is an art. How do you bring these two elements together? That’s the job of the homeopath.

Homeopathy can be simple once it is understood but difficult to master. This report will explain it all. The simple things you need to know and the difficult things you will encounter and how to get around it all. This report will give you the fast track way to streamline your learning and cut your costs.

As this title refers this is not an article about homeopathy but an article that will help you on your path to becoming a homeopath. So what is a homeopath? The homeopath is a person who uses the principles of homeopathy to understand what needs to be healed in an individual, (one of the most difficult aspects), applies knowledge of the repertory...

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Concerns About the Future of Homeopathy


I just returned from the Joint American Homeopathic Conference in Atlanta. This is an annual conference presented by the National Center for Homeopathy. It was my first conference in a while and I was really surprised by what I experienced.

When I was studying homeopathy in the 1990's there were many conferences and speakers that exposed much new information about homeopathy. In some ways I look back on these times as the heyday of the current homeopathic renaissance. The speakers were dynamic and enthused. There was never a conference I attended that did not inspire me and left me feeling excited to be learning so much and a part of such a great movement.

I did not get to see all of the speakers at the conference but those I did attend were less than dynamic. Most were MD's and ND's. Some of the content presented was not purely homeopathic. A homeopathic remedy may have been mentioned but the focus of the cases or presentation was from a naturopathic or medical perspective. There...

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It is with great sorrow and concern that I write this today. I am sure it is not new news about the disasters that have fallen upon Japan. Three monumental disasters have happened all at once. The forth largest earthquake ever recorded is bad enough. But the 10 meter high tidal wave was equally devastating. Then to have severe damage to 6 nuclear reactors as a result puts the devasation over the top. As I write this the situation around the nuclear power plants is still out of contol. All  disaster response actions are without precedence to prevent a meltdown. There is no play book for the situation at hand. All emergency plans have been scrapped and now there are about 100 people doing the best they can in a very dangerous situation with very high levels of radiation. The situation is not stable by any means.

Radiation is one of man's great nemisis. You can not see it, hear it, feel it, smell it or taste it. It is silent. But it is deadly in any great quantity or...

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The Dangers of the Allopathic Approach


Iatrogenic (by medical intervention) causation is one of the leading contributors of illness and the maintainance of disease in the world today. Between vaccination, antibiotics, drugs and surgical intervention more people are being made ill than from any other cause. I recently came across an article "Death by Medicine" by a group of doctors (Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD, Martin Felman MD, Debora Rasio MD, and Dorothy Smith PhD) that explained quite well the effects of medicine on the individual. Unfortunately the findings are from between 2000 and 2003 and are not current being nearly a decade old now. But they are very telling of how dangerous the allopathic approach is. Here are a few of the findings.

  • Most medical errors are not reported. All of the studies done are still skewed by the fact that most medical errors are not reported. Therefore, even with an astounding amount of data available, the numbers would be much higher...
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The Most Common Mistakes Homeopaths Make


When I am teaching Students, I emphasize demonstrating effective strategies for case taking.  Learning how to do Homeopathy correctly and avoiding common mistakes, will lead to your great success.  Here are a few common mistakes some Homeopaths make:

  • Forgetting to set your intention before beginning a case - This happens before the case even begins and in my opinion is one of the most detrimental mistakes there is. Everything that happens during the case must be witnessed and understood without prejudice. If your intention is not set to be a clear, unprejudiced observer, out of your own way and open to be an empathetic listener, you will likely be unsuccessful in hearing what is asking to be healed. Instead, you may be involved in your own story in your mind and miss vital details. The first thing to do as a Homeopath is setting your intention. Be clear and ready for the case to unfold before you.
  • Being inaccurate with rubric selections - The repertory is a very exact...
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Favorite Medicines


It is easy to become complacent and prescribe favorite medicines when being a homeopath. If we are lulled into a stupor seeing many cases they may all seem to have similar themes and therefore similar remedies. Be very careful when prescribing to treat the person and not the disease. As well we should be very careful in selecting remedies that fit the case rather than remedies for similar cases we have seen before.

In Aphorism 257 of the Organon Hahnemann made it clear we should take great care not to develop favorite medicines; " The true physician will take care to avoid making favorite remedies of medicines, the employment of which he has, by chance, perhaps found often useful, and which he has had opportunities of using with good effect. If he do so, some remedies of rarer use, which would have been more suitable, consequently more serviceable, will often be neglected."

We must select very good rubrics for the case and understand what is really asking to be healed. In addition...

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Most tropical and subtropical areas in the world have mosquitoes that can carry the single-celled Plasmodium parasite that causes Malaria. It is one of the most common and deadly diseases for mankind. There are between 300 and 500 million people infected with this disease and 1-2 million deaths annually as a result of Malaria.

The cycle of Malarial infection begins when a female mosquito bites a person with Malaria. The mosquito ingests the blood that contains the Malarial parasite. Once inside the mosquito the parasite reproduces and multiplies. When the mosquito bites another person the parasite is injected into the body. Once inside the parasite migrates to the liver where it multiplies again. Typically the parasite reaches maturity in 1 to 3 weeks where it migrates to the red blood cells, eventually causing the red blood cells to rupture.

Once the cells rupture the parasites are released and suddenly the person develops chiil and fever. The reproduction cycle and rupture are...

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It's All About Love


Yesterday was Valentine's Day. This day is celebrated on February 14 of each year in commemoration of Saint Valentine. It is traditionally a day that love and affection is celebrated between intimate companions. As with all of the emotions tied up in lovers there is an equal possibility for pain and suffering to happen when love becomes disappointed.

There was a dark comedy movie released a few years ago called Valentines Day. The movie tracked several people and couples showing their triumphs and failures in love. In the end love prevailed, but the suffering of all of the individuals made for good drama. It was quite representative of the trials and tribulations most people go through to finally find love in their life.

There is probably not one person on this planet who has not experienced disappointment in love. Real love is an action and not a feeling; the ego mind so wants to believe all of the emotional feelings of the heart, that when disappointment comes, it is very...

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