All of the "Pathy's"

Uncategorized Nov 04, 2019

In modern medicine we have many treatment modalities. Some end in -pathy. I want to explore what each of the pathy's are and how they differ. We all know something about Homeopathy, but there are several other sub-modalities and other systems of medicines carrying the same" pathy". First it is good to understand what "Pathy" means.

"Pathy" means suffering. It is a state of being that is not harmonious with our divine state. We are made in the image of G-d but suffering is inherent to our worldly existence. The "pathy" in all of the modalitites of healing is a suffix to the form of healing system. Homeo-pathy is similar - suffering. It is based on the law of Simila similibus curentur or "like cures like". We apply the law of similars to acheive the healing response. It recognizes the vital force and aims to treat the whole person and cause, not just the symptom. It is a completely different approach than some of the other "pathy's".

Allopathy or hertopathy is the treatment of disease using medicines whose effects are different from those of the disease being treated. They have no relation to the disease symptoms. It is based on the law of opposites; Contraria contrariis. It tries to achieve healing by treating only a diseased part or organ. Unfortunately it misses the whole being and will fall short. Most modern approaches to medicine have followed the allopathic model. There are really only three methods within this model; drugs, surgery or radiation. There have been advances within the model of allopathy but no real movement away from the basics. It is only just now beginning to recognize the energy of the person, yet no real advances have been made in  this realm.

Osteopathy is a modality based on manipulation of the spine and joints to achieve balance and is not based on a drug approach. Although most Osteopathic Doctors do recognize drugs as an accepted treatment, it is not the primary goal of Osteopathy. But over the years it is increasingly more common for the Osteopath to prescribe drugs and not even do manipulations. Osteo means bone. So the roots of osteopathy are to manipulate the bone to alleviate suffering. The idea is to move the bone and allow an increased blood supply to promote healing.

Naturopathy is a system comprising many natural healing techniques. It is a system that has borrowed from many different modalities. It is a drug-less system but still based on the allopathic model in most instances, except the student of naturopathy does learn a little homeopathy as well. Naturopathy employs herbology, spinal and soft tissue manipulations, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, nutritional guidance, vitamin and mineral supplementation and homeopathy.

Naprapathy is a system similar to osteopathy but where osteopathy is about the bones and joints, Naprapathy is about the manipulation of connective tissues. Tendons and ligaments are manipulated to achieve structural balance and improved health. By focusing on connective tissue manipulative therapy, the desire is for the relief of neurovascular interference, which may cause circulatory and neurological irritation.

Within the umbrella of homeopathy there are several other "pathys". They are not homeopathy because they are not based on the law of similars. These are based on the laws of "same".What makes these come under homeopathy is the fact that they are using potentized substances to create a dynamic energetic medicine. Isopathy is based on the law of sameness, Aequalia aequalibus curentur. The very substance that is diseased or causing the disease is used to treat the disease. The substance will be identical to the disease itself. The example of using pollen to treat allergies or lead to treat lead poisoning use similar preparations as homeopathic remedies, but the reason for the application is different. The desire is for the remedy to inspire a particular response from the effected body part from the substance that has caused the disease. Some nosode remedies may be applied homeopathically or isopathically. It depends on the intent of the application. Most remedies that are isopathically prescribed do not have a true homeopathic proving. Although more and more provings are being done on those rare substances that can be used isopathically.

Tautopathy is another form of isopathy. It also is commonly grouped under Homeopathy. Tautopathy is the use of homeopathically prepared allopathic medicines. The main intent is to counter act the ill effects of allopathic drugs. Few provings have been done on the majority of drugs, but the same may be true that a homeopathic remedy made from a drug could be applied homeopathically or tautopathically. Giving Pennecillinum in potency to someone suffering from a pennicillan allergy will inspire the body to throw off the negative effects of the drug. Some practitioners want to treat every patient tautopathically before commencing homeopathically, in the hopes of clearing the drug effects before proceeding on with the case.

As you can see with all of the "pathys" that come under the umbrella of homeopathy, intent is critical in the application. Many different homeopathic remedies can be given with different intents. It helps to be clear yourself about what the intent of the prescription is. Having a broader understanding of all of the "pathys" will help you understand your client better and facilitate communication with different practitioners. Be clear yourself about the "pathy" you are using and your client will benefit the most.


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