Homeopathy Tips Newsletter



Fear is a big section of our Repertory. Why do you suppose that is? I think it is because our human nature tends to show our separation from G-d through this primary emotion. If we were to be in the graces of love and without ever being in fear, then we might say that there is no spiritual basis for the expression of dis-ease or suffering. But we do experience fear and no one escapes this. It is the quickest way to leave our truth and believe in the untruth or falsness of our expereince.

I have an acronym that reminds me of the truth about fear. It is F=False, E=Evidence, A=Appearing, R=Real. False Evidence Appearing Real. This really does explain fear. Fear in the Websters Dictionary is; an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by expectation or awareness of danger. Anxious concern. dread, fright, alarm, panic, terror, trepidation.

Homeopathy often uses fears as a way to help define the energy of a person and understand what is asking to be healed. It is the most common of...

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A New Paradigm


There is much discussion about the future of Homeopathy these days. The question of how do we integrate into the present model of medicine and gain respect seems to be on many organizations minds. As we further this discussion we need to chart a new course for homeopathy. We need a new paradigm.

The established allopathic model of drugs and surgery to treat illness is not a model that is really conducive to a new paradigm for Homeopathy. We need to reevaluate what the model for health and disease really is and create a new discourse.

Trying to integrate into a model of the treatment of disease and not the maintenance of health is really the problem of homeopathy. We need to establish a new paradigm of describing health. From the deviation of health comes dis-ease. If a new way of looking at the model were to change, homeopathy would become incredibly popular and powerful.

I think this is changing naturally as more and more people become dissatisfied with the medical treatment they...

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The Repertory


Our best tool for homeopathy is the Repertory. It is a tool that no homeopath could really do without. This is a system of classification of symptoms that are indexed and organized in sub-categories. All areas of the body, the mind and generalities and sensations including vertigo, cough, expectoration, perspiration etc. are organized by chapter to identify the rubric and the remedies that have been proved to be useful for that symptom.

 The pioneers in homeopathy created this system for their use and also passed these repertories on. Some of the famous repertories that are still very valuable and useful have been written by Kent, Boger, Bönninghausen, Boericke, Jahr. Today we have modern compilations of these repertories and newer additions by many modern authors. The Synthetic Repertory, The Complete Repertory, Murphy’s Medical Repertory and Synthesis, to name a few. 

The organization of any repertory is really a working tool of the authors mind and...

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The Person Not the Disease


Several newsletters ago I had a request for clarification about the comment that "the remedy is for the person and not their disease." I want to explain further now.

Homeopathy is individualized medicine. A constellation or picture of disease is painted by the symptoms a person has. They are NOT their disease. They are a living expression of energy, made in the image of G-d, and a part of all creation.

Dis-ease or "disease" is an energy that clings to this person. It could only be known by the animating vital force. Otherwise if there were no animating vital force then we would say that the person were dead. As the vital force rules with unbounded sway, it makes no mistakes and has the principle of survival built into it. It wants to reflect this ever expanding continuum of life force expression that it is a part of. This is why Hering's Law of Cure (from the inside out) makes real sense, not just because it is observed so frequently.

The only way disease could ever be expressed is...

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Homeopathy and the FDA


It is happening again that the FDA is wanting to change regulations and make it more difficult to get homeopathic remedies all in the name of protecting you. The current debate is an extension of the public hearings from 2015. This had to do with the safety and efficacy of homeopathic remedies. I am sure all of you loyal readers contacted the FDA and responded with astounding support of its safety and usefulness.

Since December of 2017 the FDA is now proposing a different wording of their guidance that puts the burden of proof of a remedies safety and efficacy on the manufacturer. Essentially this makes homeopathic remedies in the same class as allopathic drugs.

Their new proposed guidance is less clear than the existing regulatory framework, Compliance Policy 400.400 (adopted in 1988). Therefore this has led to a lot of confusion as to what extent the FDA wants to control homeopathy. Because of this it looks as though if the FDA wanted to include any homeopathic remedy, they could....

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Aphorism 83


What does it take to be a homeopathic physician? Hahnemann tells us in Aphorism 83 of the Organon of Medicine. Let's take a look at this brief yet thorough description of what the practitioner must possess to examine a case of disease.

Aphorism 83

"This individaulizing examination of a case of disease, for which I shall only give in this place general directions, of which the practitioner will bear in mind only what is applicable for each individual case, demands of the physician nothing but freedom from prejudice and sound senses, attention in observing and fidelity in tracing the picture of disease."

Let's break down what Hahnemann is really saying here. In the individual examination of disease he is not talking about disease as a whole but in each and every individual case. There are no two cases ever the same. Some are alike but they are individual to each person. He is saying that we must examine each case individually.

He says these instructions he is giving are general in...

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The Colon


It seems fitting that as the year ends we discuss the lower portion of the GI system. There is a correlation. If we were to really get technical about it we would be discussing the anus as it is the last of the GI tract and this is the last day of the year. But the colon is close enough to understand the metaphor of the ending of a year and the ending of our digestive tract.

The large intestine is made up of several different parts starting with the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon , rectum and anus. It is in the intestine that nutrients and water are extracted from the digestion process and solids are formed. Through peristalsis the waste is moved through the colon becoming fecal matter. The process of digestion is accomplished through enzymes and bacteria. The colon itself secretes no enzymes, but harbors more bacteria than there are cells of our own body. In essence there is more DNA in us that is not us than there is DNA that is...

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The New Year


With Christmas just passed and the New Year beginning in a few days it is a good time to really review the last year and set our intention for the New Year. Having just started winter and shorter days again last week with a total lunar eclipse, it is an especially potent time to really take stock of our lives and get very clear about where we are wanting to go in our future.

Our job as homeopaths require us to be clear, unprejudiced observers. This is a constant call for our spiritual purification and evolution. For us to be all we can be as a homeopath, we need to be all we can be as a  person as well. There is really no separation between these roles. How we show up in life equals how we show up as a homeopath. Homeopathy being spiritual medicine requires that we are doing our spiritual work.

Now is a perfect time to look back upon the last year of your life and review your accomplishments and your failures. Try to be as unprejudiced about yourself as you are about others....

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More on the Importance of Diet


What I am about to share is most likely old news for many health conscious readers. But by sharing some facts about our North American food sources we can be more empowered to make changes in our diets. After all, we are what we eat.

Homeopaths have a unique responsibility to their clients and far more influence than we imagine. Often we have lofty ideas that once the energy of the dis-ease has shifted in response to a remedy then we can see our client return to vibrant health. But we must be aware of the obstacles to cure that persist in our environment. One of the greatest obstacles is diet and the available sources  for good nutrition.

The fact of the matter is that our healthy food choices have diminished severely in the last 10 years and particularly so in the last two. Aside from the effects of depleted minerals in our soil from modern agricultural practices over the years and the overuse of pesticides and herbicides,  we now have the effects of GMO (Genetically...

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Acute Prescribing


As homeopaths we often have cases come to us and we don't have the time or our tools to really take the case. We must act quickly and effectively, or we may miss our opportunity to help. This is when knowledge of Materia Medica is very important.

      As a part of the coursework at Resonance School of Homeopathy I teach about emergency and acute remedies that will be useful in most situations. The original list of remedies came from Vega Rezenberg and can be organized in a 50 remedy emergency kit. I have found this kit to be very useful.  It can be carried anywhere and if used properly, save lives.

      Having taught the remedies for this kit many times I can tell you that knowing a few keynotes of the remedies and a few of the expected indications, that this kit has proven many times over to be most valuable.

      The first rule in any acute or emergency is to call for help. Secondly, clear...

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