Homeopathy Tips Newsletter

The Person, Not the Disease

In many of my newsletters, I have mentioned that "the remedy is for the person and not their disease." I've been asked for clarifications and I want to explain further now!

Homeopathy is individualized medicine. A constellation or picture of disease is painted by the symptoms a person has. They are NOT their disease. They are a living expression of energy, made in the image of G-d, and a part of all creation.

Dis-ease or "disease" is an energy that clings to this person. It could only be known by the animating vital force. Otherwise, if there were no animating vital force then we would say that the person was dead. As the vital force rules with unbounded sway, it makes no mistakes and has the principle of survival built into it. It wants to reflect this ever-expanding continuum of life force expression that it is a part of. This is why Hering’s Law of Cure (from the inside out) makes real sense, not just because it is observed so frequently.

The only way disease could ever be...

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Homeopathy and Dreams

Dreams are a part of everyone’s lives. In our repertory, an entire section of the mind has been devoted to dreams. Why would this be so significant when a dream does not seem to be even related to reality?
We often use dreams in repertizations as a way to understand the person. Sometimes a significant dream or recurring dream can have an important impact on understanding the case. It is common for a person to dream much more after taking a remedy or after changing potencies. This is because the dream comes from the subconscious state of the person. All aspects of the mind are under the influence of the vital force. Hahnemann stated that the vital force rules with unbounded sway. This means it will affect ALL aspects of a person including ALL aspects of the mind. When the vital force is inspired by a remedy, the dream world will reawaken also.
Dreams are infiltration of the subconscious into the conscious. The subconscious rules much more of our existence...
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My Favorite Quotes From Masters

It is always good to be reminded of the truth in homeopathy. Many masters have given us real pearls of wisdom and truth. Hold these close and you will have many more successful cases. We can learn much from the old and new masters. Here are a few of my favorite quotes of theirs.

"The simillimum (curative remedy) releases reactive power strong enough to re-establish harmony which in turn is capable of sweeping away almost any morbid condition."

- C.M. Boger

"Repeat the dose until an effect is produced better or worse, then stop."

- Erastus Case

"A profane man can have no more idea of the sentiments of a gentle, highly religious woman, than can a lobster."

- J.T. Kent

"In bad hearts, high potency may give a bad reaction, it may be necessary to use the tincture."

- Grimmer

"We have no long-acting drugs; the action is immediate, continued favorable condition depends on the quality of the vital force and its harmonious action."

- H.A. Roberts

"If the symptoms for which a remedy is...

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Sharing Words of Wisdom for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. It is a time that family and friends get together to give thanks and share. It is a time that is filled with giving and good food. I want to share a little from one of my favorite homeopaths of all time, James Tyler Kent. His contribution to homeopathy has been great. Here are a few of his Aphorisms and Precepts. I hope they inspire you and remind you of the truth in this holiest of healing sciences.

  • Susceptibility is only a name for a state that underlies all possible sickness and all possible cure.
  • Now when a person becomes sick, he becomes susceptible to a certain remedy, which will affect him in its highest potency; while upon a healthy person it will have no effect.
  • When the dose is too large to cure, man receives it as a sickness.
  • Think how susceptible a man is to sickness, when the Rhus vine will poison him when is on the windward side, half a mile away.
  • An individual may be susceptible to nothing else; gross, course, vigorous...
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Astrology and Homeopathy

I recently had a question from a client that made me think a bit. He asked, "Which is more powerful; astrological influences or homeopathy?" After some contemplation, I answered homeopathy. But this question inspired me to investigate the Spagyric remedies and some information I have on astrological homeopathy. (Keep in mind that I have simply investigated this subject and am not an astrological homeopath. I am a classical homeopath who prescribes by Hahnemann's’ method of single remedies based on the law of similar.) And I have found some interesting stuff that I’d like to share.

Firstly, I have consulted with very good professional astrologers in my life and have been given very good information. I do not claim to understand how the astrologer was able to determine such accurate information regarding conditions in my life but I can safely say that the heavens are definitely influencing aspects of our lives. I do not live my life based on these observations...

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Understanding Miasms

Miasm is defined by Hahnemann as a noxious influence or the infectious principle, or virus, which when taken into the organism may set up a specific disease. I prefer to describe it as a predisposition to the expression of a particular disease either inherited, acquired, or acute.

Miasm is a particular study within homeopathy that can be vast and open to much discussion. Plenty has been written about miasms and even to this day, new miasms are being discovered and described.

Hahnemann recognized the mother of all Miasm as Psora. This was the original susceptibility to the itch from scabies. Prior to this was the healthy state of man when susceptibility was limited to only acute, self-resolving expressions of disease. But when Psora came, it opened the door to the first expressions of chronic disease. It was the first departure from the "Garden of Eden." Man became susceptible through great fear of a new and chronic nature. Great sensitivity, both to temperature and temperament,...

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The Importance of Community

Every profession has groups that share with other professionals in their field. Thankfully, homeopathy does too. But I find that with as many subscribers as we have to this newsletter, few people actually leave a comment at the end. This surprises me. I know that the content and subject matter is chosen for you, but there are many ideas that could be shared. They are all welcome.

I very much appreciate the comments of thanks and gratitude that many of you leave. But I appreciate even more those of you who contribute to the dialogue and discussion. This newsletter is a forum of Resonance School of Homeopathy and is for the purpose of sharing information and creating community.

Homeopathy has a very long history of sharing. The early Repertories and Materia Medicas were not developed in a vacuum. There were study groups and society meetings that shared with each other. The speed with which this took was very slow compared to today’s ultra-fast internet. Not only was information...

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The Single Remedy

One challenge for classical homeopaths is the new, modern homeopathic system that relies on combination remedies. There are many product lines with many different combination remedies for almost every ailment. I find many classically trained homeopaths tempted to use these products when single remedies fail. This is not the fault of the remedy, but of the prescription.

These combination remedies always have more indicated remedies for any condition and a fancy-sounding name to go with it. They come in multiple remedy combinations and multiple remedy potencies. This is a recipe for disaster when the vital force recognizes them. I have found many practitioners who claim to be homeopaths prescribing 3 to 5 of these combination remedies at the same time. This is like trying to listen to the flute when the entire orchestra is warming up. It is very confusing for the vital force.

I have had clients who have been treated this way in the past and claim that the remedies had helped. Upon...

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Postoperative Care

Last week, we discussed how homeopathy can help with the trauma of surgery and the protocol to follow pre and post-surgery. This week, let's dive further into the remedies that may be useful after surgery and operations.

Recuperation and care after surgery are important. Common sense plays a big part in care. It is necessary to rest, get plenty of fluids, and have proper hygiene. But things can go wrong after surgery and healing can be delayed. It is then necessary to receive the case and give the best remedies for the situation.

Often, this is in a hospital setting and it may be necessary to work closely with the doctors or nurses who are treating the person. You must have a good understanding of homeopathy to explain the need for certain remedies. Sometimes the allopathic medical practitioners know nothing of homeopathy and will be very hesitant to approve a remedy when other drugs are being prescribed. It is necessary to be able to explain how homeopathy is not a drug and has no...

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Surgery Protocol

Homeopathy can be very good in helping others through the trauma of surgery. When we know that someone is going to have anesthesia and surgery, there are very good methods of preparing that person for the trauma they are about to experience. I have found that this protocol is very useful. It helps with excessive bleeding and recovery from anesthesia when applied correctly. I have used this protocol with many people and the usual response is, "My doctor said that he has never seen anyone recover so quickly."

This is one of the few times that I ever apply homeopathy with a more allopathic intent. Remember that we always prescribe a remedy based on the symptoms of the individual and never in a routine way. Let the person guide you to the remedy. But with surgery that is planned, it is a known event that the body will be experiencing trauma. By following the protocol recovery can be improved tremendously.

Arnica is one of the best remedies for any trauma. It also is a very good remedy...

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