Sharing Words of Wisdom for Thanksgiving

philosophy Nov 26, 2020

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. It is a time that family and friends get together to give thanks and share. It is a time that is filled with giving and good food. I want to share a little from one of my favorite homeopaths of all time, James Tyler Kent. His contribution to homeopathy has been great. Here are a few of his Aphorisms and Precepts. I hope they inspire you and remind you of the truth in this holiest of healing sciences.

  • Susceptibility is only a name for a state that underlies all possible sickness and all possible cure.
  • Now when a person becomes sick, he becomes susceptible to a certain remedy, which will affect him in its highest potency; while upon a healthy person it will have no effect.
  • When the dose is too large to cure, man receives it as a sickness.
  • Think how susceptible a man is to sickness, when the Rhus vine will poison him when is on the windward side, half a mile away.
  • An individual may be susceptible to nothing else; gross, course, vigorous in constitution; yet there is one thing he is susceptible to, and that is what he needs.
  • The signs are visible, but the Esse is invisible.
  • The tendency of the human mind to run after things visible, that can be felt with fingers, leads one to adopt foolish theories like Bacteria doctrine and the Molecular theory.
  • A physician above all men if not innocent should be anything else but a doctor. A bad man has only course, vicious ideas of the human heart.
  • The time may come when Homeopathy of the purer kind will be popular, but it is a very long time ahead.
  • The sharper the edge of a tool that you fool with the more harm you can do; so it is with higher potencies in unskilled hands.
  • The rational mind can go far beyond the idea of a molecule.
  • The Homeopathic physician that thinks in quantities only, has such a crude mind that he cannot realize true Homeopathy.
  • Homeopaths have a consciousness of what life is. what life force is, what the nature of disease is, and can apply to all theories of the world our measure and test them. They can realize the philosophies.
  • The world today accepts things perfectly incongruous and calls them science. Modern science accepts nothing which cannot be heard, felt, or seen.
  • Take a body of scientific men; after a lengthy discussion, the conclusion is, that “we have concluded so and so,” by the majority, after a general average is taken, and the conclusion is Science.
  • The personal stamp is upon every disease and upon every proving, and the individual must be permitted to stamp himself upon the disease as well as upon the proving.
  • There are no two things alike in the universe. This is so of diseases and of sick people, of thousands of crystals of the same salt. No two stars are alike. When this thought presents itself to the mind of the physician, he can see that no remedy can be substituted for another.
  • A disease may be suppressed by a medicine as well as by a stronger dissimilar disease.
  • The Homeopathic remedy only becomes Homeopathic when it has established its curative relation; the relation between two dynamic influences.
  • Homeopathicity is the relation between the symptoms of the patient and the remedy which will cure.
  • Homeopathy is an applied science, not a theory.
  • It is an injustice to Science to practice without exact knowledge and reasons for what you do. The whole world is a swirl of this roundabout inheritance instead of knowledge.
  • It is an injustice to one’s self to remain in bigotry, intolerance, and hatred.
  • When you have discovered that this Life Force resides in a simple substance you see at once that death is not an entity. The body has no life of its own and therefore it cannot die.
  • Therefore there is no death, but we do observe and perceive that there is separation, of one that is alive from another that never was alive; a disjunction of that which lives from that which never lived.
  • That changes in the body correspond to wrong thinking is true. The fault of the world today is reasoning from externals. Man elected in the early part of his history to think from lasts to firsts, and thereby lost his ability to know.
  • One sick man is to be treated, not the disease.
  • In proportion as man thinks against everything, his country, his God, his neighbor, he wills in favor of himself. Therefore this forms man into the nature of his affections.
  • Thus man wills against everything but himself. In proportion as he does this, he becomes a form of hatred or a form of self-love; he is that. Allow this to proceed and ultimates are inevitable.
  • Thus man is what he wills. As his love is, so is his life. When man thinks about the neighbor, he wills one of two things – he wills good to his neighbor or the opposite.

Take a little time to ponder Kent’s words of wisdom. Let them inspire you. Let them lift your heart and bring them into your life and practice. Give thanks for the master homeopaths who share their insights. You will be a better homeopath and have a happier, more fulfilled life. Please share your thoughts and favorites from the above collection in the comments below. I love to hear from you all. Have a very happy Thanksgiving.


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