A New Year's Resolution

philosophy Dec 31, 2020

I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas. Now it’s time to think about the New Year.

As the new year arrives, it is a good time to reflect back and to look forward. All of us want the next year to be better than the last. Often, we try to accomplish this with a new years resolution. If any part of your resolution is to be a better homeopath, here are a few tips to help you in your studies.

  • Make your goals realistic and visualize them making you very happy. For example, see yourself with great confidence finding the perfect remedy for your client and having them report to you how great they are feeling.
  • Study Materia Medica daily. There is rarely a day that goes by that I do not look into a book and read a little. Find some time to open the books and open your mind to study a remedy, whether it is new or familiar. Amazingly, that information will start to stick if you keep at it. It will come back to you when you least expect it. You will find you know more than you thought.
  • Play with homeopathy. When watching movies, pick different characters and look for indications of what’s asking to be healed for them. Take their case and find the rubrics and remedy for them. It’s good practice.
  • Talk more with others about homeopathy. You will find that the more you explain homeopathy to others, the better you will understand it yourself. Give a free introductory talk to a small group. This will generate interest and help you become a recognized person for homeopathy in your community.

These are just a few ideas. Above all, make your goals fun. Really enjoy them. Anything we do with joy in our hearts is in line with our creation.  You will be more in your own flow and this will do much to make you a better person and therefore a better homeopath as well. Good luck with your resolution.

Keep the conversation going! I would love to hear your resolutions below!


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