Homeopathy Tips Newsletter

Tips for Treating Family Members

One of the greatest challenges for homeopaths is to treat a family member or someone very close to them. It seems we have our greatest prejudices with those we are most familiar with.

When we know someone very intimately, it seems that because we know them better than others it would be easier for us as homeopaths to treat them. This is quite contrary to what really happens. Our familiarity can create a prejudice that is very hard to overcome. Treating family can be a real exercise in letting go of our preconceived ideas. It is not always easy though.

Knowing someone so intimately is like wearing colored glasses that we did not know we had on. Everything about the person seems familiar. We may have come to accept them just as they are. The little gestures or ways of thinking become second nature for us but can be challenging to see when we put our homeopaths' hat on.

We must be very diligent and fine-tune our awareness when treating family members. We must consciously take off our...

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"Is There a Remedy For _______ ?"

One of the most common questions I get asked is, "Is there a remedy for (insert disease)?" And lately, I've been hearing, "Is there a remedy for the coronavirus?" because we do in fact have remedies that when prescribed acutely or in an emergency are remedies that have a very allopathic reason for giving them. But anytime there is a chronic condition or an infection that has been diagnosed by identifying the bacteria or virus, then the general symptoms become a part of the person's expression of dis-ease and it is no longer appropriate to give a remedy based on the acute symptoms or diagnosis only.

Every expression of dis-ease is an expression of the vital force. Hahnemann says in Aphorism 9 of the Organon, "In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force, the dynamis that animates the material body, rules with unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so...

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How Compassion & Sympathy Affect a Homeopath's Abilities

There is a motivation amongst those wanting to be a homeopath, which I believe is the desire to help others. This comes from a deeper sense that we having something to share with another to help them in their sufferings.
There are feelings and processes that happen to each of us as we work with another human being or animal. Hahnemann made it clear that we are to be unprejudiced observers. We are to avoid transcendental speculations and be true observers of the human condition before us. This leads to common emotions that happen for most living beings, which include compassion, sympathy, and empathy. Let's look closer at each of these and see how they affect our abilities as a homeopath.
Compassion is defined (com=together + pati=to suffer), according to Merriam Webster's Dictionary, as "the sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it." I like to think of it as coming together to suffer, feeling...
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Learning Homeopathy vs. Becoming a Homeopath

I get many questions about homeopathic study and find that there are distinct differences in learning homeopathy and becoming a homeopath. They are really two different things entirely. Let me explain.

Most schools of homeopathy offer courses on homeopathic history, philosophy, repertization, and materia medica. These courses will give the homeopathic student much information; mostly from books. The course usually is designed to give you as much information as possible about the more common remedies and the philosophy of Hahnemann and Kent. This is usually reinforced by taking exams that grade on multiple-choice questions and essays to determine if you have a correct understanding of the subject at hand.

This method of learning and evaluation is very lineal. It relies on memorization and deductive reason to pass the test. A good student may be able to excel in such an environment and get perfect grades. After successfully passing the first several years of the course, they may be...

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Why Homeopathy Can Be Confusing for People

I find homeopathy is one of the most misunderstood and confusing subjects for many people. Here’s why; it is not represented accurately. Aside from gross misrepresentation on behalf of those wishing to discredit this wonderful healing art, it is too often confused with the allopathic model of medicine.

Most often when I ask my clients what they know about homeopathy, the most common response is, ”It’s herbs and vitamins, right?” No, it is not. Homeopathy is a system of medicine. The remedies are energetic medicines and not homeopathy. Homeopathy is the reason to give the medicine and not the medicine itself. This is very confusing for most people.

When a person goes to the health food store and has a malady of some sort, they may come to the aisle for homeopathic remedies. There may even be a little booklet to help them find a remedy for their suffering. The whole time they are still thinking that the remedy is something like a drug or herb. It is to help...

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The Three Major Ideas of Homeopathy

Vibration, resonance, and susceptibility are the three major ideas that explain homeopathy. Without a clear understanding of these principles and how they relate to each other, it is very difficult to ever explain homeopathy effectively. As Homeopaths, we are always explaining the concepts of homeopathy, but I find that it is one of the more difficult tasks of any student. Even practicing Homeopaths find homeopathy difficult to explain. Here are the key ideas to keep in mind.

Vibration is present in all forms. At the quantum physics level of understanding, it is all about vibration and the non-physical glue that holds matter together. This weak force is a force that keeps all atomic structures in perfect relation to all of the particles making up their existence. This is something akin to spiritual glue from a layman’s perspective. This spiritual glue has a vibrational quality when matter is formed. It is what holds the particles, atoms, molecules, and organisms together so...

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How to Approach Your Homeopathic Education

I get many questions about the study of Homeopathy and what is the best approach. I think it could be an individual preference but after training homeopaths since 2001, I have found that there are a few things about homeopathic education that really work. I would like to share them with you.

I have found that if a person wants to be a professional homeopath, seeing clients on a daily basis, they must really love people and being around them. This may sound a bit absurd at first. After all, it isn't the job of the homeopath to be around people and help them. Yes, but you might be surprised at how many students I have talked with that have spent 3 years at some other homeopathic school and have never taken a case or spent time with clients. When they were finally introduced to a new client case they were surprised at their own reaction. I have heard everything from fear in front of the client because they did not have confidence in being a homeopath ( they have never done it before)...
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The Importance of a Mentor

Having a mentor is one of the best ways to accelerate your homeopathic learning. It is an integral part of our program at the Resonance School of Homeopathy. It is the best way to get the personal guidance necessary to avoid the bigger mistakes and errors made by the novice homeopath.
We all have to start somewhere. There has to be that first case we receive as a homeopath. Not having participated in this role before can be quite unnerving for the new homeopathic student or homeopath. If the program for learning has not included case receiving as a major part of the learning process, then the student will usually be lost in the process and this lack of confidence will be known by all.
Having confidence and knowing how to communicate with the client is key to a successful case. It is an art to be able to sit with someone and know how to get them to open up and reveal what is asking to be healed. Once this process is complete, then the task of case analysis and...
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