It is not often that we encounter bites from animals but when we do, they can be painful and cause serious complications if left untreated. This week, let's discuss the bites of non-poisonous animals, and next week we will get into more about bites and stings!
Most animal bites, including human bites, often involve puncture wounds. The most common bites are from dogs, less frequent are cat bites and human bites. Rarely do bites from larger animals happen but if they do, they can be life-threatening and serious, particularly due to the size of the bite and strength of the animal. If they do occur, they may possibly be fatal. Consider the bite of the alligator, crocodile, shark, or any other toothed creatures of significant size. If a bite happens that is non-fatal, hospitalization is nearly always necessary to save a life.
The mouths of animals are the dirtiest place of the animal including humans. Bites tend to become infected quickly and should always be treated by...
Migraine headaches are a common form of headaches but unique in their character and usually of a more violent nature. Allopathic medication is the standard treatment but homeopathy offers many remedies that can help not only the headache but help a person to remove the tendency to migraines as well.
There are two basic types of migraine headaches:
1. Those with a visual aura or disturbance preceding the onset of pain.
2. Those without the visual disturbances.
Common to both of these types of migraines are nausea (sometimes with vomiting) and photophobia. Migraine headaches with aura are defined by the International Headache Society as at least 2 attacks that are unrelated to organic disease with at least one reversible aura symptom indicating cerebral cortical or brain-stem dysfunction lasting more than 60 minutes. The headache pain may precede, be concurrent with, or follow within 60 minutes of the aura.
The IHS defines...
One of the biggest health threats to people of developed countries is hypertension or abnormally high blood pressure. This is one area that homeopathy can help with but in an entirely different way than the allopathic approach of drug therapy.
Blood pressure varies by time of day and by individual to individual. It is normal for fluctuations in blood pressure to occur in response to many different changes in our world. Stress is the greatest cause of abnormal blood pressure and is often a silent response until we are made aware of it.
Complications as a result of hypertension can be severe and accumulate over time. Individuals with primary hypertension (hypertension without a known cause, which comprise of 90%...
Asthma affects about 19 million people yearly in the United States. It is a very serious condition that can be fatal. It requires the expertise of a skilled physician to treat it correctly. The allopathic treatment of asthma rarely cures but can often prevent death due to the constriction of airways and suffocation. It is a delicate road to healing asthma with homeopathy but the path is one that can help a person heal at their source.
Asthma is a condition of the constriction of the airways in response to certain stimuli. The airways are made up of a smooth outer muscle layer, and a middle and inner layer that form the airway. During an attack, there is a spasm of the outer layer and inflammation in the middle and inner layer that swells and narrows the airway so it becomes increasingly difficult to breathe. Often, because of the inflammation, a mucous plug can be formed that can totally block airflow. This is potentially a fatal condition.
In a more severe attack, the person is...
By far the most common complaint I receive from my clients is stress. It is a condition arising from daily life especially here in America where the pace of life is so very fast. It can also come from more unusual circumstances but is the result of the person being challenged in ways that they find harder to cope with. But homeopathy can help.
Most stress arises from issues of work, family, health, and money. These for the underlying conditions that cannot be corrected easily or quickly thus leading to stress. Most often the condition is outside of any direct control the person has in relation to the problem. Yet these conditions can cause great suffering when our relation to the problem does not bring the solution. Then the problem does not go away and seems to weigh the person down. This is our stress response. If their relationship to the problem could change, the problem would then change as well. It all has to do with our ability to manage our emotional response, anxiety, and...
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