The Process of Illness: Part 2

philosophy Jul 07, 2020

Last week, in Part 1 of diving into the process of illness, we learned that the illness is the perfect solution to the conflict. If the conflict cannot easily be expressed and resolved, it gets imprinted. Healing is about coming to solutions and doing something about it. When the situation has changed, the biological invariant programming can turn off and normalcy can begin to be reestablished. True healing does not come from outside of the individual. It always comes from the individual. Any individual who expects healing to come from someone else usually remains ill. The best solution to any conflict is to transcend it. Love, acceptance, and inspired change are the hallmarks of true healing. The homeopathic remedy does nothing other than inspire the vital force. Once the vital force is in response to the remedy deeper healing and inspired solutions flow.

There are two phases of disease; the conflict phase and the healing phase. The conflict phase begins with deep stress or shock and is recognized by symptoms of sympathetic over-stimulation. This is the fight or flight adrenal response. This can happen over time or suddenly by shock. This is characterized by:

  • Cool extremities
  • Poor sleep
  • Loss of appetite
  • Obsessive or agitated thinking
  • Concentration difficult and disrupted focus
  • Overwhelmed feelings

If the individual can not easily find a solution, the brain records the conflict during this time. Usually, the person does not notice any change in their physical well-being. As long as the conflict has not been resolved, this process remains active but imperceptible. Often, the conflict phase will be hidden or out of a person's awareness. A greater worry surrounds the healing phase of illness.

The healing phase begins once the active solution has been found, by either acting upon it and changing the situation or by transcending it. Physical intervention can help the survival of the physical disease, ie. surgery, drug therapy, etc, but real healing only comes when the conflict has been de-programmed in the mind and a solution to the conflict has been applied. Once the solution has been found, the brain recognizes this. The person may not even be consciously aware of the change. Being under stress, the brain has been monitoring all aspects of survival. Once the stress-energy drops, it is experienced as:

  • Fatigue and the need for sleep
  • Confused thinking
  • Return of appetite
  • Headache
  • Flushing, fever or sweats
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Sometimes a short period of paralysis

This healing phase has two parts to it. The initial part is the brain healing itself. Swelling comes to the area of the brain that has been storing the conflict bringing nutrients for repair. This swelling will create headaches and many of the symptoms described above. There comes a time where the brain has healed enough to throw the switch and the program returns to normal. This sends a signal to the affected parts of the body and a short intensification of the physical symptoms happens. Often, we refer to this in homeopathy as the aggravation. This can last from hours to days. Following this crisis is the second part of the healing phase where rapid restitution of the body occurs.

There are four ways that the brain sends signals to the cells to do the healing. These are related to the different parts of our brain development. These different areas of the brain are:

  1. Ancient Mesoderm - Located in the cerebellum and related to protection and integrity. It controls the dermis, pleura, peritoneum, pericardium, meninges,  etc. These are repaired by bacteria. The first phase of conflict resolution creates a mass and the second phase of healing provides cellular reduction.
  2. New Mesoderm - Located in the Cerebral medulla (white matter) of the brain. Stand, move, walk, run. The bones, the muscles, connective tissue, lymph, etc. These are indicative of a self-devaluation conflict. In the active phase, they create necrosis and ulceration. In the repair phase, regeneration, reconstruction, scarring, filling in of ulcer necrosis.
  3. Ectoderm - Located in the cortex and related to our relations and territory. The skin and every component of the ectoderm and the nervous system, These tissues are repaired by the virus. In the active phase, they create ulceration and necrosis. In the repair phase, regeneration, reconstruction, scarring, filling in of ulcer necrosis.
  4. Endoderm - Located in the brain stem and controlling our vital organs. Digestive tract, reproductive organs, etc. These are repaired by fungus. In the active phase, masses are formed. In the repair phase, growth stops, encapsulation, or destruction of tissues. Cellular reduction.

There are two types of brain functions that control the cellular tissue. One is a hyper action that increases cellular activity. One way this occurs is through the forming of a cellular mass. During the active phase, the brain commands cellular multiplication forming tumors, polyps, cysts, fibromas, and cancer. In the repair phase, there is a reduction of the mass, fibrosis, scarring, etc. In another hyper action of the brain function, there is an unblocking of a function. During the active phase, the brain creates symptoms of over-reaction as seen in Parkinson's, Tourettes, tics, and tremors. The repair phase things return to normal.

A hypo or decreasing action can also occur as the brain controls the tissues. This happens through ulceration or a blocking function. In a cellular reduction, the brain commands the micro ulceration of tissues. In the repair phase, we see a multiplication of cells to repair the ulceration and restore the tissues. Another hypo action is the blocking of a function. This can be seen as diabetes (stopping the function of the pancreas) MS (stopping the production of myelin), stammering, paralysis, etc.

Every illness, condition, or syndrome fits into one of these two types of brain functions. These are the methods the brain uses to solve our conflicts by changing our biology. Generally, we resolve our conflict with the creation and resolution of the illness. In acute illness, these resolve quickly and reflect permanent solutions to the conflict. But if the conflict continues the brain will keep some tissue for future repair. It does not like to work unnecessarily. If we keep getting the same conflict tumors or recurring chronic disease is the result. During the dormant phase when a tumor is not active it is benign. When the conflict re-occurs and is active again we call this a cancerous tumor.

There are three different ways we go from health to illness.

The first is when a conflict is powerful enough to both program and illness and trigger the beginning at the same time. This happens in times of high stress and sudden manifestations. We do not have time enough to consider solutions so the brain provides the biological solution and we experience the active phase quickly. This happens in situations where a person will report they saw their life pass before them in a flash.

The second is when we have experienced a conflict of less intensity and for a longer duration. It is like the addition of a feather to the scale that finally tips it and releases the trigger in the brain to initiate the biological solution. This also happens when stress of a similar type increases and our ability to find a solution fails us.

The third way we will get ill is when we have had programming from a previous time in our life that was intense enough to record in the brain but is now lying dormant. A similar conflict can be the trigger to initiate healing. Anniversaries of a particular date or time period can also trigger the brain to send the message to the body to do the healing now. This is when we will get sick and seemingly not have any idea why.

It pays to be a good listener and hear the parts of a person's story and understand how they all connect. Every person's story, when understood, makes sense. There are no accidents. There is never any illness without a mental/emotional conflict, EVER! Knowing this will make you a better investigator and better homeopath as you search for what is asking to be healed. Knowing the mechanism of our illness and how it is a perfect solution will keep you on the right side of a person's healing. They are already doing healing and homeopathy is the best and safest way to bring resolution to the process. Unfortunately, we do not get to choose how long this process will take. We often see that there is not enough time to complete the biological solution and the end eventually is death. This is a fact of life. But most disease and healing can be completed though, and it is my greatest joy to accompany someone on their healing journey.


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