The Colon

Uncategorized Nov 04, 2019

It seems fitting that as the year ends we discuss the lower portion of the GI system. There is a correlation. If we were to really get technical about it we would be discussing the anus as it is the last of the GI tract and this is the last day of the year. But the colon is close enough to understand the metaphor of the ending of a year and the ending of our digestive tract.

The large intestine is made up of several different parts starting with the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon , rectum and anus. It is in the intestine that nutrients and water are extracted from the digestion process and solids are formed. Through peristalsis the waste is moved through the colon becoming fecal matter. The process of digestion is accomplished through enzymes and bacteria. The colon itself secretes no enzymes, but harbors more bacteria than there are cells of our own body. In essence there is more DNA in us that is not us than there is DNA that is ours. We have a very symbiotic relationship with bacteria and it is essential for our existence. Probiotics are one of the more powerful therapeutic methods to help aid healing in the body. We need them when there is an imbalance of healthy and unhealthy flora. This is also the basis for our immune system.

More common pathological conditions of the colon are Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease, Diverticulitis, Constipation, Diarrhea and Cancer. Rather than describe the diseases in western scientific terms I will share with you the real meaning of these diseases as interpreted through German New Medicine.

All issues with the colon are issues with the ability to digest something in life. There is always a mental/emotional component to the physical expression of dis-ease. Where in the colon and how we are affected has a direct relationship to the type of conflict we are unable to resolve. Those in the cecum and ascending colon are newer or less intense than those in the descending, sigmoid and rectal areas. Just like the passing of time, the passing of fecal matter and that process are reflected in the colon.

The cecum relates to problems of a large annoyance, and is often related to issues within the family. This often originates from a "dirty deed" or some ugly business that can not be dumped. Because the colons job is to eliminate from the body that which is un-needed or dirty, symptoms of the colon often reflect conflicts of nastiness, vileness, betrayal, and grossness. Because the colon moves matter along to exit the body, conflicts associated with the colon are those that reflect an inability to move through the hurt. The issue of absorption of water is also a part of the colon and reflects the ability to hold on to the feminine which could be issues around the mother. This could be expressed in wanting to hold on to a mothers love.

Colitis, or inflammation of the bowels, reflect indigestible things of great annoyance that recur repeatedly. These situations come and go often and the person is constantly irritated by them. Hemorrhagic recto-colitis, a condition where there is bleeding, is usually the healing phase of the conflict. New blood capillaries are being formed to repair the effected area and bleeding will happen. This is the healing phase of the undigested gross annoyance. Understanding this phase can be helpful but anytime there is bleeding of fresh red blood, care should be exercised and the client should get a medical opinion also.

Problems in the lower bowels or sigmoid colon and rectum involve something unspeakable, despicable,  loathsome, or "crappy". This is usually an annoyance that the person is not able to eliminate. They can not evacuate the problem. They will often say, "I can't digest this same old shit." The conflict could be invoked by a gross or hateful action that may be impossible to pardon. This can be related to problems within a family to a dirty deed that is impossible to let go of.

An example may be an insult from a family member or someone else that hurts deeply coupled with a disappointment. Another example may be a person can not stand to have negative emotions such as anger and feels dirty when they do. They want to eliminate them but are unable to. This can arise especially in relation to disappointments from a family member, or challenges to be a certain way in the presence of a parent.

One must use a broad stroke to understand the particulars of a persons situation and how it relates to their life and dis-ease. Having this kind of information is useful in helping a person understand why they are sick the way they are. Often just giving the person the opportunity to identify their own life story is enough to help them make great change. We all want to know why we are sick. When they discover the reason it can really speed up healing. I have clients tell me that for the first time their dis-ease makes sense. This is powerful.

Having this information does not take the place of medical help or homeopathic help. Always receive the case and understand what is asking to be healed. Pay attention to the sensations they have. Choose very good rubrics that reflect the energy of the case. Remember, the remedy is for the person and not the disease.


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